About Us
Welcome to Muharraq Charitable Society
More than 35 years have passed since the establishment of the Muharraq Charity, where a group of loyal sons of the nation laid the first building block for the fund, which later turned into the Muharraq Charity Association. These years were full of continuous work and ambition in order for the association to achieve its good reputation in the field of work. Charity thanks to God Almighty first, and then thanks to the sincere efforts of the brothers members of the association who worked diligently, sincerity and dedication and took a lot of their time for charitable work, sensing the words of God Almighty: and say work, and God will see your work and His Messenger and the believer and the saying of our Holy Prophet: May God’s prayers and peace be upon him: (He who strives to protect the widow and the poor is like one who strives in the way of God or one who stands up for the night and fasts during the day).

Our goals

Our vision

Our message

Our vision
Excellence and leadership in charitable volunteering work, and achieving social solidarity between individuals and society.

Our mission
1. Engaging in charitable and developmental work while preserving values.
2. Serving underprivileged families and addressing their needs and requirements.
3. Instilling the spirit of giving, volunteering, and upholding genuine principles in society.

Our goals
1. Contributing to and participating in all charitable fields that benefit society.
2. Continuing to assist underprivileged families to improve their living standards.
3. Enhancing the educational and cultural level of children from these families through the sponsorship of students program.
4. Sustaining financial resources through legitimate and accessible means.
5. Studying and organizing women’s charitable work to achieve the vision and mission of the association.