Marriage project مشروع الزواج الجماعي

Group Marriage Project مشروع الزواج الجماعي
مقتطفات من مشروع الزواج الجماعي

مقتطفات من مشروع الزواج الجماعي
مقتطفات من مشروع إفطار صائم

مقتطفات من مشروع إفطار صائم
مقتطفات من إقامة المحاضرات

مقتطفات من إقامة المحاضرات
“المحرق الخيرية ” نرفض الإساءة لوحدة الوطن وأمنه

“المحرق الخيرية ” نرفض الإساءة لوحدة الوطن وأمنه
تفطير عائلة في رمضان

تفطير عائلة في رمضان
وزير العمل يطلع على المشروعات الخيرية لجمعية المحرق

The Minister of Labor and Social Development, Mr. Jamil bin Muhammad Ali Humaidan, met in his office on Tuesday, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Muharraq Charity Association, Mr. Salah Muhammad Bu Hassan, in the presence of Mr. Abdul Rahman Sanad, Secretary of the Council, and Mr. Talal Al-Najim, Chairman of the Hijri Calendar Committee. During the meeting, Buhassan reviewed the most prominent goals of the association and developments in its projects, including helping needy families, implementing humanitarian initiatives, as well as promoting the principles of social solidarity. Aspects of cooperation and coordination between the Muharraq Charitable Society and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in the development and social fields were also reviewed, in addition to the facilities and services provided by the Ministry to NGOs, and proposals aimed at developing them and addressing the difficulties they might encounter in accordance with the applicable national laws and regulations. The Board of Directors of the Muharraq Charitable Society praised the role played by the Ministry in order to improve the performance and mission of civil organizations, and to enhance the contribution of charitable societies in particular in launching development initiatives, encouraging the values and principles of charitable and humanitarian work, and developing the reality of families and individuals professionally and economically.